About 1st Step Behavioral Health
1st Step Behavioral Health’s drug addiction treatment is committed to helping the individual, not just treating the addiction. Each person has their own story, their own unique history and experience with how and why addiction and mental health concerns became a problem. While various factors may play a common role in how addictive patterns effect behavior, it’s not realistic to expect there will be a singular method of treatment which will work for everyone.
At our alcohol and drug treatment center, programs and methods are customizable to suit the individual. Group, individual and family therapy and involvement will be a part of the care offered at 1st Step. However, none of our clients will be treated like a number in a group, and each will be given independent and thorough consults, assessments and feedback. What you can expect from 1st Step Behavioral Health is a highly personalized level of care which makes the distinction of having a significant and lasting impact in our client’s recovery.