I have been coming here for 3 years now. Yes, I gave up 1 addiction for another. BUT, the 1 I gave up was ILLEGAL, IMMORAL, SUPER EXPENSIVE and because it was a “ street drug”, it was not given in regulated doses ( to me) and therefore my next trip was either in handcuffs or in a vinyl bag with a cheap zipper. So I can’t say enuf about Medmark of oxford . They literally saved my life. Attending there for 3 years I’ve dealt with a ton of different ppl in there as patients and staff. I think their policies are extremely appropriate. I have a full time in retail and I’m sure there are ppl I deal with that complain that I’m rude to them too?! It comes with the territory and environment. I’m NOT rude as a general rule and definitely not often if at all!!! But I’ve learned that sometimes comments like that are brought on by a ton of factors. Also you have to look at some of us who go in there.... some are still detoxing, some had to fight for a ride from 50 miles away to barely get there etc. plus most of us are there IN LINE way before the sun comes up- you add everything up and its already going to put some ppl in a grumpy mood. I think if you give a smile, eventually you will get a smile!!!!! Ppl, be nice! They are there to help us. The ppl complaining that it’s too expensive, they are not friendly, the hours suck.... lol give me a break! No one is making you go there- if you are not happy, go back to your “ DOC” where the hours are better and your DRUG DEALER always greets you with a smile on his face at 5:00 am. But I promise you doing what you were that brought you in there sure as HELL isnt cheaper!!!! What some of you are paying in 2-3 weeks of treatment- I was paying a day! Sure crack is $5 or $10 a hit or you can get some great pills for $20 but IS THAT REALLY CHEAPER???? I don’t regret 2 seconds of my visits to Medmark!!! I gladly use 20-30 minutes of my am to hang out there - it’s 1000x better than what brought me there 3 years ago! GET OVER IT -