It's a clean facility and they do have good meals. If you voice a question as to HOW the facility can help you once you are there, they will ask you to leave. They ask for honesty, but if you ARE honest, they do not want to help you understand and calm your fears in 'Will the program work?" or "Am I in the right place?' . They automatically tell you to leave, and if you can't, they take you to a homeless shelter, leave you there with none of your money, then pick you up the next morning, take you to a bus station. If the buses do not go to your hometown, THEY DO NOT CARE, they leave you there. If this is CHRISTIAN LOVE and COMPASSION..NO THANK YOU! If you are not a Christian, do not go. This facility will only help you if you are one. If you are not Christian, they will make you miserable until you leave.The love and compassion for addicts depends on your Christian status.