About Sage Recovery Villa
Sage was developed with the idea that treatment is more than learning to change unwanted or unhealthy behaviors. Long-term change comes from treating the mind, body, and spirit collectively. Sage Recovery Villa is designed to expand upon our original vision of our outpatient treatment center, Sage Recovery & Wellness Center. With Sage Recovery Villa, clients are offered an exceptional residential experience, providing a deeper level of exploration and integration, while housed in a relaxing and serene residential setting.
Long before substance use was a problem, it was the solution. At Sage Recovery Villa, we’re dedicated to helping clients figure out what their substance use may have been the solution to, and empowering them to heal and rebuild by exploring the underlying issues.
We help guide our clients on the path of recovery with warmth and compassion. We don’t look at the person as their addiction, but the addiction as a symptom of something larger.
By digging deeper, we can get to the crux of the problem, instead of putting a Band-Aid over problematic symptoms.