About Woburn Addiction Treatment
The team at Woburn Addiction Treatment is devoted to assisting people in leading a recovery-based lifestyle by incorporating a holistic and trauma-informed approach to drug and alcohol treatment in a safe and supportive environment. We strive to deliver the highest quality addiction treatment services possible. The individualized drug and alcohol treatment plan we create focuses on alleviating the medical, emotional and behavioral distress that results from the use of alcohol or other drugs.
Woburn Addiction Treatment is dedicated to guiding individuals through a seamless transition from an acute level of care to our Day Program or Intensive Outpatient Program to a life of recovery. From the moment you make the call to get help, we’ll be here with a plan for a therapeutic and person-centered experience to end the relapse cycle. Call the admissions team at our addiction treatment center near Reading, MA, or inquire online to begin the journey of recovery now.